Corona, California
Clinic Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Clinic Number

Suboxone Treatment in Corona

Corona Suboxone Doctors is a treatment facility where your health and wellness come first! Our team of medical professionals is committed to helping you or your loved one overcome opioid addiction with the help of Suboxone treatment.

Our mission is to accompany you toward improved well-being by empowering you with knowledge and access to quality healthcare services. We understand that beating opioid addiction is a challenging yet rewarding prospect. Therefore, we are proud to provide compassionate care and personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs.

Our clinic offers in-person appointments and telemedicine services for greater convenience within our busy lives. In addition, we accept most insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare, so financial concerns won’t interfere with getting the help you need. So join us today and help us renew your hope for a healthier tomorrow!

Choose which option works best for you:

In-Person Appointments

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we understand the importance of direct, in-person services. Therefore, we proudly offer our patients in-person appointments as part of their suboxone treatment. This allows for more personal interaction with your doctor and provides a customized approach to your individual needs.

Moreover, in-person visits allow your doctor to obtain vital information from you in real time, which can help them best identify and implement the most effective strategies to ensure a successful recovery. By providing in-person appointment options, Corona Suboxone Doctors is dedicated to ensuring you get the best treatment possible for long-term health and well-being.

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Telemedicine Appointments

We are also proud to provide our patients with the latest technology in healthcare: telemedicine appointments. These remote visits allow for greater convenience, flexibility for our clients, and a superior level of care. With telemedicine, patients can schedule their consultation from the comfort of their homes or workplaces without worrying about traveling to see a provider.

Additionally, telemedicine offers our clients access to health care and services not readily available in geographical areas or for people with physical disabilities who may have difficulty attending an in-person appointment. Regardless of location, everyone can access expert care provided by our clinic’s team of professionals. This priority on safety and increased accessibility make telemedicine an invaluable part of our service offerings.

The Corona Suboxone Doctors offers an array of services designed to address the often complex and multifaceted needs of those struggling with addiction.

Medication-Assisted Treatment with Suboxone

As part of our mission to provide affordable, quality healthcare, Corona Suboxone Doctors offer Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) with Suboxone. These MAT programs are designed to help individuals decrease opioid drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms safely and effectively. In addition, our addiction service providers can devise individualized plans tailored to your needs.

In addition to medication, they will also provide counseling on how best to combat addiction. With the support of this personalized program, you can gain control over your relationship with opioids and achieve sobriety for the long term. We are prepared to join you on every step toward a happier and healthier future!


Our counselors are experienced professionals who deeply understand substance abuse and how to help individuals reach their goals. So if you’re in the Corona area and looking for a treatment option with personalized counseling services and improved retention to help you overcome addiction, come to our primary care providers for compassionate care to get your health back on track.

Peer Support Groups

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we strive to offer our clients comprehensive care and support services.

  • Peer Support Groups: Our peer support groups facilitate a healing environment and clinical settings where individuals can build meaningful relationships with others who have gone through a similar experience.
  • Behavior Therapy: Our behavioral health providers help you recognize, understand, and minimize triggers that may lead to a relapse in your specific situation.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy provides education, assistance, and resources for family members struggling to care for their loved ones in long-term recovery.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient treatment is an integral component of our peer support groups, offering beneficial counseling from licensed therapists both onsite and through telemedicine sessions.

And depending upon the insurance plans offered, we have sliding scale fee options. So please contact us today and get the help you are looking for now!

Important Patient Information

Recognizing the Early Warning Signs of Opioid Dependence

Recognizing the Early Warning Signs of Opioid Dependence

Opioid dependence can be challenging to identify, but with the proper knowledge, it can be more accessible. Knowing the early warning signs of opioid addiction can make all the difference in proactive treatment and prevention. Symptoms include:

  • having intense opioid cravings,
  • not being able to maintain a set dose for an extended period,
  • financial difficulties due to obtaining more opioids than needed,
  • social or relationship issues,
  • difficulty concentrating on the job or school responsibilities,
  • engaging in reckless activities to get opioids,
  • opioid withdrawal symptoms when unable to access more medication
  • and continuing use despite harmful effects on life.

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, our certified providers have the expertise to help identify and treat these signs of opioid dependence. In addition, we strive to provide quality healthcare for our patients and their loved ones.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) affects millions of people in the United States alone and is a severe public health issue that needs to be addressed. At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we understand the difficulty and urgency of treating SUD. Therefore, we prioritize creating an individualized treatment plan tailored to each person’s unique needs, utilizing evidence-based medicine and psychosocial interventions such as behavioral counseling.

Our team of compassionate professionals keeps up with the latest research and trends so that our patients can feel empowered by their successful recovery journey. In addition, we believe in the power of community support by offering group counseling and connecting individuals to local resources for extra support.

No matter what life circumstances you face, from LGBTQ+, pregnancy, or military deployment stressors, our experienced team is here to walk you through it one step at a time. Together, we can create hope for a better and healthier tomorrow for each one of our patients.

Treatment for Opioid Use

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we strive to offer the best treatment outcomes for opioid dependence. Our medical professionals provide comprehensive, compassionate care that can be tailored to meet your individual needs. Our holistic approach combines medication management with counseling and supportive case management services, including referrals for other services if needed.

We recognize that recovery is a journey and focus on helping you work toward sustained recovery and improved quality of life. Our goal is to help you become empowered on your path to sobriety by providing the resources and support necessary to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

At the Corona Suboxone Doctors, we believe that no one should have to struggle alone with addiction. That’s why we strive to provide comprehensive and individualized care. As a suboxone clinic, we specialize in medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which utilizes medications such as buprenorphine to help people overcome opioid addiction. But medication is only part of the solution: we also offer evidence-based counseling and behavioral health services for a holistic approach to the recovery process.

To make our treatment accessible, we offer in-person visits and telemedicine options – allowing individuals to find what works best for them – and accept most insurances. So don’t delay: if you or someone you know is looking for compassionate and comprehensive addiction treatment approaches, the Corona Suboxone Doctors are here for you.

Why Suboxone Treatment is Effective

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we understand how difficult it is to overcome opioid addiction. We are proud to offer our comprehensive and effective Suboxone treatment program. We have put together protocols combining evidence-based treatment models with caring support, ensuring patients feel safe and comfortable throughout their journey.

Medication-assisted treatment has proven safe and effective in helping people recover from opioid dependence. Part of our individualized approach includes comprehensive assessments for each patient, addressing their physical and psychological needs holistically. Our team of health care providers is dedicated to providing the best care possible for all who entrust us with their recovery journey.

The Benefits of Working with a Suboxone Doctor to Fight Opioid Dependency

Our team of certified medical suboxone doctors and nurse practitioners is trained to assess and treat patients dependent on opioids. We provide effective customized treatment plans for each individual’s unique needs. Medications such as buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone are prescribed based on individual patient feedback, along with clinical services and access to social support so that people can address the underlying behavioral causes of their addiction. With our help and resources, patients can begin to break free from the vicious cycle of dependency.

Suboxone Maintenance

We understand the importance of proper maintenance while taking Suboxone to treat drug addiction effectively. However, our team of skilled healthcare providers puts the patient first, creating personalized care plans that ensure each individual receives the best possible primary care programs according to their history and needs.

Suboxone maintenance is tailored to match their lifestyle needs, such as doses and frequency, while also addressing symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal every step of the way. We are committed to helping our patients through this often challenging process so they can get back to living healthy and happy life.

Understanding How to Take Suboxone

At Corona Suboxone Doctors, we are dedicated to treating the whole chronic disease of addiction. We use Suboxone as part of an effective and personalized substance abuse treatment plan that incorporates behavioral health services, such as individual, group, and trauma-related counseling.

Our commitment to personalized care in addiction treatment sets us apart from other MAT providers. We accept various payment types, from private insurance to cash payments, making treatment more accessible for everyone. Furthermore, we provide an array of treatment services tailored to the individual needs of our patients so that they can receive appropriate levels of care for their situation.

Suboxone Treatment with the Albuquerque Suboxone Doctor

The Corona Suboxone Doctors understand the needs of individuals dealing with opioid use disorder and provide state-of-the-art suboxone treatment to help them live healthy lives. Our specialized doctors have experience in delivering suboxone treatment and counseling, which takes into account each individual’s unique needs and goals.

Through our compassionate and experienced team of medical experts, the Corona Suboxone Doctors create customized, individualized plans to address not just the physical addiction but also focus on creating an overall healthy lifestyle. Our methodology is scientifically proven to support long-term opioid recovery that addresses underlying problems and immediate symptoms related to addiction. We are committed to helping individuals embark on a healthier future.